TLN Connects Videos

That’s Amore Pizza for Kids

That’s Amore Pizza for Kids

For the 18th consecutive year, Pizza Nova’s over 130 participating locations sold a medium pepperoni pizza for $4.39 + tax! $1 from every pizza sold was donated to Variety Village -The Children’s Charity. Their goal was to raise over $100K, and with the help of many people in the Community they raised $105,007 for kids in need. Now -that’s amore!

Per il 18mo anno consecutivo i 130 punti vendita di Pizza Nova hanno venduto per un giorno pizze destinando il ricavato in beneficienza, a favore di Variety Village, istituto che opera con i ragazzi e le ragazze meno fortunati. Sono stati raccolti $105,000. Complimenti!

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