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Italian Day on the Drive

Italian Day on the Drive

Now into its seventh year since its return in 2010, Italian Day on The Drive represents the celebration of Italian culture and the contributions made to Vancouver by Italian immigrants and their children. A vibrant cultural street festival, Italian Day is a community driven event, attracting over 300,000 people and spanning 13 blocks along Commercial Drive in a day long celebration, while showcasing all that is Italian to Vancouver’s multi-cultural community of all ages.

Mediaset Italia ha avuto l’onore di essere Partner di un’ importante celebrazione dell’Italianità che si tiene a Vancouver da sette anni e che porta nelle strade di Commercial Drive su Little Italy piĂą di 300 mila persone distribuite lungo 13 isolati. Un evento multiculturale dedicato alla cultura, al cibo, all’arte, alla moda e alla musica Italiana.

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Big Night at the Green Barn

Big Night at the Green Barn


Big Night celebrates backyard gardens of the past, present, and future, and highlights the long history of growing food in Toronto. A magnificent, four-course, family-style meal inspired by classic Italian home cooking and prepared by some of the city’s finest chefs, all in support of our food access and community-building programs. Buon appetito!

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Festitalia 5th Annual Italian Heritage Awards of Distinction Gala Dinner

Festitalia 5th Annual Italian Heritage Awards of Distinction Gala Dinner

Festitalia hosted a special evening in celebration of the 5th Annual Italian Heritage Awards of Distinction honouring the contributions made by extraordinary citizens of Italian heritage in the Greater Hamilton Area. The annual event held in June recognizes the leadership of men, women and youth of Italian ancestry who have contributed to the development and well-being of others and the overall improvement of our community.

Congratulations to all and Auguri!

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Italian Flag Raising at Vaughan City Hall

Italian Flag Raising at Vaughan City Hall

To celebrate Italian Heritage Month, the City of Vaughan teamed up with the National Congress of Italian Canadians and with the Canadian Italian Heritage Foundation for a special flag raising ceremony.

Per celebrare il mese dedicato alla Cultura Italiana, la cittĂ  di Vaughan in collaborazione con il National Congress of Italian Canadians e la Fondazione Canadian Italian Heritage ha organizzato un toccante alzabandiera tricolore.


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2016 ICCO Air Canada Business Excellence Awards

2016 ICCO Air Canada Business Excellence Awards

The Business Excellence Awards are the prestigious awards presented by the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario to the most outstanding and innovative leaders from the business, academic and scientific community. The Awards are a means to celebrate and showcase those individuals who have changed the economic landscape of Ontario.

Una serata molto prestigiosa, quella della quale abbiamo avuto l’onore di essere partners. I Business Excellence Awards sono organizzati ogni anno dalla Camera di Commercio Italiana dell’Ontario per premiare coloro che si sono distinti nei vari settori economico, scientifico e culturale in Ontario.

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Making Modern History: Vaughan Mayor’s Gala

Making Modern History: Vaughan Mayor’s Gala


Oltre mille persone hanno partecipato all’edizione 2016 del Mayor’s Gala a Vaughan. Un modo per ribadire l’impegno benefico e restituire ricchezza alla Comunita’, in particolare a coloro che hanno piu’ bisogno.


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Pizza Nova “That’s Amore Pizza for Kids” Cheque Presentation

Pizza Nova “That’s Amore Pizza for Kids” Cheque Presentation


Thousands of customers lined out the doors at Pizza Nova locations across the province to demonstrate their support for a good cause. Pizza Nova was very proud to announce at a cheque presentation to Variety Village that this year’s single-day total was $109,061 exceeding this year’s goal by over $9,000.

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Il Memoriale Dei Caduti Italiani Sul Lavoro

Il Memoriale Dei Caduti Italiani Sul Lavoro

E’ stato inaugurato alla presenza di tantissime persone il Monumento dedicato ai mille Italocanadesi che negli ultimi cento anni hanno perso la vita sul lavoro in tutto l’Ontario.

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VCC Business Achievement Awards

VCC Business Achievement Awards


Era un evento molto atteso, quello organizzato dalla Vaughan Chamber of Commerce: il Business Achievement Awards. I migliori uomini e donne d’affari premiati per i loro grandi successi.

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Harmony Ball 2016

Harmony Ball 2016

Harmony Ball organizzato da Caritas Foundation e’ stata una serata per  raccogliere fondi e parlare di un tema molto importante: la dipendenza e la malattia mentale.