TLN Connects Videos

Daniela Nardi – Espresso Manifesto – CIAO

Daniela Nardi – Espresso Manifesto – CIAO

Salone di Cultura. Una serata di musica e parole per riscoprire la nostra identita’ Italocanadese. E’ successo a Toronto grazie ad Espresso Manifesto, progetto curato da Daniela Nardi

TLN Connects Videos

Italian Day Vancouver 2015

Italian Day Vancouver 2015

Vancouver ha vissuto una giornata indimenticabile con l’Italian Day on the Drive, festa annuale dedicata alla Comunita’ Italocanadese. In piu’ di trecentomila erano presenti, insieme alle nostre telecamere.

TLN Connects Videos

La Gutsy Walk

La Gutsy Walk

Il ricavato sara’ devoluto alla ricerca di trattamenti piu’ efficaci, migliorare la vita di bambini ed adulti afflitti da queste malattie croniche e in definitiva trovare le cure.

TLN Connects Videos

Ordine al Merito & Youth Achievement 2015

Ordine al Merito & Youth Achievement 2015

Ordine al Merito & Youth Achievement Award e’ una celebrazione di risulati importanti raggiunti dalla Comunita’ Italiana. Il 27mo Ordine al Merito congratula la Dott.ssa Gina Valle e il Sig. Louie Santaguida per il loro contributo al nostro successo multiculturale. Premiato anche il giovane Matthew Efthimiades con il Youth Achievemnet Award.

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TLN Telelatino Congratulates the 2015 ICCO Business Excellence Award Winners

TLN Telelatino Congratulates the 2015 ICCO Business Excellence Award Winners

The Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario hosted the 13th Annual Business Excellence Awards in Toronto and TLN was once again pleased to be a major Media Partner of this event.

Seven awards were presented to those business leaders who have distinguished themselves as this year’s top entrepreneurs, innovators and social and cultural thinkers.

Congratulations! Auguri! to this year’s winners.



ICCO HSBC Italy Canada Award
The Di Donato Family
Faema Canada Inc.


ICCO KPMG Community Building Award
Domenic Meffe, President & CEO
Monte Carlo Hotel Motel International.


ICCO Business Excellence Awards
Carlo Baldassarra, Chairman & CEO
Greenpark Group of Companies


ICCO PWC Next Generation Award
Giancarlo (John) Nallo, President
People Store Staffing Solutions Inc.


ICCO RBC Businesswoman of the Year Award
Honourable, Sandra Pupatello


ICCO Masters Insurance Ltd. & Coco Group Arts, Science and Culture Award
Dr. Agostino Pierro, Division Head, Paediatric General and Thoracic Surgery
The Hospital for Sick Children.


ICCO Scotiabank Environmental Leadership Award
Sharolyn Mathieu Vettese, President
SMV Energy Solutions

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Grand Opening of Maserati Alfa Romeo – Oakville

Grand Opening of Maserati Alfa Romeo – Oakville

Remo Ferri, President of Maserati Alfa Romeo of Oakville celebrates the Grand Opening of Maserati Alfa Romeo of Oakville.

Visiting this new state-of-the-art facility included Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles CEO; Reid Bigland, Chairman, President & CEO of FCA Canada Inc; and Christian Gobber, Head of Maserati North America to commemorate this special occasion.

TLN Connects Videos

Strides for Stroke 2015

Strides for Stroke 2015

Un evento prestigioso al quale TLN ha l’onore di aver preso parte a Ricmhond Hill. Attraverso il generoso supporto di piu’ di 1,000 partecipanti, volontari, sponsors, la decima edizione di Strides for Stroke ha raggiunto il record assoluto di raccolta fondi: $175,000 da destinare alla Mackenzie Health.

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2015 Harmony Ball Caritas Foundation

2015 Harmony Ball Caritas Foundation

TLN ha avuto l’onore di presenziare al più importante evento di Gala di raccolta fondi per Caritas Foundation: Harmony Ball

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Nota Bene Giovinco Interview

Nota Bene Giovinco Interview

TLN Connects Videos

Natale in Famiglia

Natale in Famiglia

A Natale con TLN c’e’ piu’ gusto. Una ricetta inedita con…il Pandoro!