TLN Connects Videos

TLN Supports Galleria Italia at the Art Gallery of Ontario – 2009

TLN Supports Galleria Italia at the Art Gallery of Ontario – 2009 | TLN Connects

In support of Canadian cultural expression, TLN alongside 25 Italian Canadian visionaries joined forces with one common goal and made an unprecedented $13 million contribution to the transformation AGO campaign in 2009. In acknowledgement of this significant contribution to the Gallery and the leadership of the Italian-Canadian community, the AGO has named its sculpture promenade Galleria Italia. Related Links

CBC – AGO to receive $10M from Toronto area Italian-Canadians
CIBPA – News about Italians that should be on every page
The Star – $10M gift family affair

TLN Connects Videos

Teleton Colombia – April, 2011

Teleton Colombia – April, 2011


En Diciembre del 2010, después de las desbastadoras imágenes y noticias presentadas y escuchadas en los diferentes medios de comunicación acerca de la situación que actualmente viven muchas familias en Colombia a causa de las inundaciones, un grupo de líderes comunitarios Colombianos decidieron unirse y organizar un evento de forma voluntaria para recaudar fondos y ayudar a estas familias damnificadas por el invierno. Fue así como surgió la TELETON CONTIGO COLOMBIA. Un evento de talentos artísticos que se llevó a cabo el día, Sábado 9 de Abril del 2011 en el John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre de Mississauga.

Este día muchos artistas colombianos y latinoamericanos estuvieron presentes donando su talento para ofrecer a toda la comunidad un espectáculo de música y folklor. De igual forma hubo comida típica colombiana, entretenimiento para niños, rifas y concursos para que la comunidad pudiera disfrutar de un día en familia.

El dinero recaudado fue donado a la organización sin ánimo de lucro en Colombia “UN TECHO PARA MI PAIS COLOMBIA”. Organización que busca mejorar la calidad de vida de las familias que viven en situación de pobreza a través de la construcción de viviendas de emergencia y la ejecución de planes de habilitación social, en un trabajo conjunto entre jóvenes voluntarios universitarios y estas comunidades.

TLN Connects

“Welcome to Canada” Children’s Literacy Program

“Welcome to Canada” Children’s Literacy Program | TLN Connects

In response to a groundbreaking report on Toronto schools and student achievements that cited children and youth from Latin American backgrounds encountered greater education challenges by as early as grade 3.

Together with Canada’s largest children’s book publisher, Kids Can Press, TLN distributed a series of books to selected schools throughout the Toronto District School Board, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, community centres and libraries as a welcome kit to young newcomers of Hispanic descent.

The books feature titles such as “The Kids Book of Canadian Geography” and “The Kids Book of Canadian History” and foster learning about Canada including its geography, history and multiculturalism.

TLN Connects

Community Production Partnerships

Community Production Partnerships | TLN Connects

TLN puts considerable resources into production partnerships with the community’s top non-profit organizations and events.

Of particular note, is TLN’s support of the annual Caritas Telethon which since 1996 has helped to raise more than $2 million to assist individuals with substance abuse issues and their families get the rehabilitation they need.

Other organizations include: Villa Charities Foundation, Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario,  Canadian Italian Business & Professional Association, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Vaughan Health Care Foundation, National Congress of Italian Canadians (Toronto/Ontario/Quebec and National regions), Luminato Festival, Hispanic Fiesta, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Danny Dichio Soccer Festival, St. Joseph Foundation, Mississauga Youth Orchestra, Smiles of Innocence, Lula World, Salsa on St. Clair/Hillcrest BIA and the Stop Community Centre Garden Project.


Juan Diego FlĂłrez Besame Mucho

TLN Connects Videos

2nd Annual Big Night at the Green Barn

2nd Annual Big Night at the Green Barn

On June 1st,TLN partnered with the Stop Community Food Centre to recognize and celebrate the contributions of immigrant gardeners, to pay tribute to this important tradition as well as encourage new generations of urban farmers. The Stop’s Backyard Garden Project hosted its second annual Big Night at the Green Barn fundraiser featuring a special dinner hosted by TLN host David Rocco.