TLN Media Group Original "Internment: The Untold Stories
(Il Confino: Una Storia Mai Conclusa)"
Makes Headlines in Toronto Sun

This past weekend, Toronto Sun’s columnist Rita DeMontis shined a light on TLN Media Group’s latest Original documentary “Internment: The Untold Stories (Il Confino: Una Storia Mai Conclusa)”.
TLN Media Group CEO, Aldo Di Felice, reminisced with DeMontis about their respective lived experiences growing up Italian in the Toronto of the 1960’s through the 80’s—overcoming the collective psychological inferiority complex. A burden imposed on Italian Canadians by the establishment and society, the lasting effects of government sponsored race based discrimination.
DeMontis writes, “Unwarranted shame is a terrible burden to carry one’s whole life.”
TLN’s timely documentary made its premiere on TLN TV and Mediaset Italia May 28th and 29th—following the historic apology from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the House of Commons for the internment and incarceration without trial of Italian-Canadians during the Second World War.
Click here to read DeMontis’ story about TLN Media Group’s documentary special on the events of the 1940s that reverberated for decades.