The three feature presentations highlight TLN Media Group’s longstanding commitment to original Made in Canada content and are part of the network’s “I Remember” series which chronicles and captures the firsthand accounts of Italian Canadians as children of war during WWII. Each documentary will be broadcast in Italian with English subtitles on TLN TV and in Italian on Mediaset Italia Canada.
Each exclusive Canadian TV broadcast is also complemented by an extensive digital media site featuring bonus behind-the-scenes video, photos, tributes and more.
(1943: Operazione Husky – Lo Sbarco Canadese in Sicilia)
A 90 minute documentary providing a chronological exploration of Canadian troops in WWII and their vital victory in Sicily Produced in collaboration with Colombian-Canadian Jaime Escallon Buraglia of Lulo Films. READ MORE
Sunday Nov. 10 | 5PM on TLN TV (Italian with English Subtitles)
Monday Nov. 11 | 10:30PM on Mediaset Italia (Italian Language)
operationhusky.ca | operazionehusky.com

Montecassino: The Indestructible Abbey (Montecassino L’Abbazia Indistruttibile)
An award-winning documentary produced in collaboration with Montreal-based Anthony Sarracco of Rebellion Films that tells the moving story of the historic Battle of Monte Cassino, one of the most significant military operations of WWII. READ MORE
Sunday Nov. 10 | 6:30PM on TLN TV (Italian with English Subtitles)
Monday Nov. 11 | 8:30PM on Mediaset Italia (Italian Language)
abbaziadimontecassino.ca | abbaziadimontecassino.com

Ortona: The Canadian Stalingrad (Ortona: La Stalingrado Canadese)
A documentary featuring the historic Battle of Ortona during WWII as recounted by the last living Italian-Canadian survivors produced in collaboration with Montreal-based Anthony Sarracco of Rebellion Films. READ MORE
Sunday Nov. 10 | 7:30PM on TLN TV (Italian with English Subtitles)
Monday Nov. 11 | 9:30PM on Mediaset Italia (Italian Language)
For more information, contact: Bruna Aloe, Senior Director of Communications & Marketing | 416.744.5745 | [email protected]